OUR city
Al Buraimi, Oman
A small city situated on the edge of Oman and The United Arab Emirates, Al Buraimi is an ideal place to learn Arabic. Al Buraimi has a majority Arabic-speaking population with a variety of dialects represented. Everything you may need can be found within the city limits and specialty items can be found rather easily in nearby Sohar or by crossing into the more metropolitan cities of the UAE. Al Buraimi is about 4 hours away from Muscat, 1 hour away from Sohar (and the coast), and 2-3 hours away from Dubai and Abu Dhabi (depending on boarder time). There are also many locations around the city to satisfy nature lovers.
For more information about specific resources, please contact us.
Local Amenities:
Bowling alley
Car services (wash, repair, tires, etc)
Community theatre
Gyms (men's and women's)
Hardware stores
Home furnishing stores
Tailors (men's and women's)
Large supermarket
Office-supply (and book) stores
Restaurants (burgers, pizza, Indian, Jordanian, Iraqi, etc)
Community Opportunities:
Deaf Center
Fine Arts Center
Hiking Club
Sports Complex (hosting regular football, i.e. soccer, matches)
Toastmasters' Club
Volleyball Club
Women's Community Centers